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White Papers
October 2024

Optimizing Dock Door Scheduling for Global Food Packaging Manufacturer

Presented by global food packaging manufacturer in partnership with The FSL Group

Executive Summary

A global food packaging manufacturer, known for its leadership in sustainable and innovative solutions, faced logistical complexities at its seven shipping locations. The manufacturer did not previously use a traditional door scheduling tool. Each site independently managed its own pickup appointments, and dock door assignments were typically made upon the carrier’s arrival, rather than during the scheduling process.  This case study shares insight into a solution that helped to optimize dock door scheduling by shifting the focus from assigning specific dock doors to managing truck load capacity per hour. The result is enhanced operational efficiency, reduced detention fees, and improved coordination.


The global food packaging manufacturer operates seven shipping locations, with varying dock capacities and operational specifications.   The manufacturer identified significant opportunities to optimize their multi-door dock operations. By recognizing that freight storage across multiple warehouse locations created unique scheduling dynamics, they uncovered potential for streamlining pickup appointments. This insight opened pathways to enhance dock door assignment strategies, setting the stage for improved loading efficiency and potential cost savings through better freight staging and carrier coordination.

The manufacturer sought a solution that would enable them to manage dock scheduling to reduce the time spent moving freight within warehouses, minimize carrier detention fees, and improve communication with carriers.

Solution Overview

The solution implemented by The FSL Group leveraged the dock door scheduler functionality within their Transportation Management System (TMS). Instead of the traditional process of assigning specific dock doors to carriers, the scheduling was based on the number of trucks that could be loaded within a one-hour time frame at each shipping site. Designed by The FSL Group, this approach allowed for flexibility in directing trucks to the most efficient dock door upon arrival, reducing the need for time-consuming freight movement within the warehouse.

Key Solution Components

  1. Time Slot Allocation: Trucks were scheduled based on the number that could be loaded per hour, varying by site due to differences in door counts, dock workers, and hours of operation.
  2. Dynamic Dock Door Assignment: Upon arrival, carriers were directed to the door closest to the staged freight, rather than being pre-assigned to a specific door.
  1. Reduction in Communication Overhead: The streamlined process significantly reduced the daily volume of emails from carriers seeking door assignments, leading to better operational efficiency.

Process Optimization

The implementation of this solution requires detailed data analysis for each shipping site, including:

  • Ship Location Details: Information on each of the seven shipping sites, categorized as either DC or MFG.
  • Dock Door Capacity: The number of dock doors and their respective loading capacities at each site.
  • Operational Constraints: Factors such as dock worker availability, hours of operation, and whether freight was staged prior to carrier arrival.

By focusing on the number of trucks that could be loaded per hour instead of specific dock doors, the manufacturer optimized the flow of trucks and reduced the operational burden on dock workers. This approach allowed for real-time adjustments, directing carriers to the most efficient door upon arrival.


A global food packaging manufacturer has implemented an innovative dock door scheduling system that has significantly cut down processing time and ensures carriers are assigned dock doors prior to arrival. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for back-and-forth emails between warehouses and carriers, reducing delays, minimizing detention fees, and enhancing overall communication. An added benefit of the scheduler is the load planners can set the pickup appointment time before tendering the load, so when carriers accept the tender, they also confirm the pickup date and time. The solution is user-friendly, adaptable, and scalable across all manufacturing locations, positioning the manufacturer to maintain and enhance the efficiency of its door scheduling process well into the future.