Overcoming your 4 Biggest Concerns about Freight Brokers

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Undeniably, freight brokers are known to have a bad reputation in the logistics industry for being too aggressive when pursuing new business. Many customers and carriers have even been burned by some bad apples. To avoid bad experiences from becoming a recurring theme, we will openly dissect top points of concern and provide tips on […]

Spot Freight Rates vs. Contract Rates: What’s Right for You?

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There are many decisions you have to make as a business owner. While some involve production or marketing, one of the biggest pieces of the business puzzle is any decision regarding the transportation of your product. Why? Because logistics and supply chain costs directly impact your company’s bottom line. Choosing the wrong mode of transportation […]

Top 10 factors to consider when selecting a high-quality freight broker

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How to Select a High-Quality Freight Broker: Top 10 Factors to Consider  It’s no secret that freight brokers can get a bad reputation. Nearly everyone you meet is more than happy to talk about that one terrible experience they had, but are not as loose-lipped when telling you about their good experiences. There are many […]

Why do Trucking Companies want to Work with Freight Brokers?

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As a trucking company owner or operator, it is important to always keep your eyes on any trend that may affect your bottom line. Over the last 10 years, technological advances such as electronic logging devices, or ELDs installed in trucks have lowered the average delivery time significantly. However, along with shorter delivery times comes […]

International Roadcheck 2021

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What You Need to Know about International Roadcheck 2021 May 4-6, 2021 ❓What is it? International Roadcheck is a 72-hour event held annually by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) in an effort to collect data and raise awareness of the North American Standard Inspection Program and highway safety rules and regulations. During this time, […]

10 Ways to Reduce Freight Costs Without Complicating Logistics

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You want low-cost freight shipping, but you don’t want to risk creating headaches. While it seems simple, we all know that’s not always the case. Sometimes finding “the best deal” ends up with delayed shipments or incomplete deliveries. How? It’s when companies are so concerned about freight cost reduction, but don’t think through what effect […]

Focus on What You Do Best: 6 Benefits of Working with a Smaller 3PL

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Supply and demand. It’s one of the first topics you cover in any economics class, and the concept is fundamental to any business in any industry. Here’s an example: You have created the best product. It’s so awesome that everyone wants it. While this is a great problem to have, it’s still a problem nonetheless. […]

5 Freight Broker Myths: Busted!

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Freight brokers often get a bad rap in the industry. Maybe you’ve heard stories of companies getting ripped off or being treated unprofessionally by brokerage firms. Perhaps you feel you’ve personally been burned. Well we are here to tell you that this isn’t how quality freight brokerage firms operate. In this blog post, we lay […]

How Does Freight Brokerage Work?

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If you’ve wondered what happens after placing your precious cargo in the hands of a freight broker, then this blog post is for you! Keep reading to learn more about the internal operations of a freight brokerage firm.  Let’s start off with a basic definition. In layman’s terms, a freight broker is the facilitator between […]

Logistics Lingo

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Truckload Terminology If you’ve been in the logistic industry for a while, you’ve probably heard some logistics lingo being tossed around from time to time. We’ve decided to take some of the most common transportation terms and break them down for you in layman’s terms.  Block & Brace – This refers to how cargo is […]